Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Khan Academy: Virtual Education at Its Best

Welcome to one of the greatest innovations in modern American/World education. This beautiful gem is called, "The Khan Academy".  The Khan academy is a helpful tool that is changing the way our youth are learning.  Salmon Khan, has created a tool that broadens minds well beyond the traditional classroom setting.  Here are some of the reasons why it is worth taking a look at this wonderful website.

Easily Accessible

This website is very accessible as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.  There are well over 2000 videos that are easily accessible for anyone who can access the url directly,, or google the keyword, 'Khan Academy'.  Once you are there, you will see background information videos.  Toward the bottom of the page, you will then see the links for the actual educational video content offered on this website.

Easy to Use Format

Using the course content couldn't be any easier than using it on this website.  The video links, actually link to videos that are stored on YouTube.  When you click on a link, you are routed to the YouTube video.  With the video, you have the standard video controls that allow you to pause, play and fast-forward/rewind through the video content.  With each video, there is a section below where you can leave a comment on the educational video content. Overall, it's a very simple format that is easy for everyone to use.

Education for All Ages

One of the best aspects of this website is that it is not only for school age children and young adults. Anyone can benefit from the informative course content.  This can be beneficial for a non-traditional student who is trying to refresh on subjects learned many years prior.  There is such a wide range of topics covered on the site.  Anyone who accesses the site will find something useful to enlighten their mind.

Go Use It

Hopefully the reasons I have provided to you above will spark your curiosity to try this great and free resource.  There have been several newscast and articles written about this innovative approach to educating our youth, our nation and our world.  So go check it out, you will not be disappointed. Here is the url:  As always, support free speech and God bless.